Thursday, December 30, 2010

finally i got some food and a farewell to 2010

So everything i have to say is in this video I hope everyone has a Happy and safe New Year. There will be pictures to come from my new year and a special salsa and dressing recipe Vegan style! and since New Years is a huge event in my house there will be a cooking storm coming and so many juice recipes in the new year. Also everything i learn about raw food and super food powders and just everything else will be included in all of my blogs from now on.

My New Years resolution: to lose 50 pounds by June (seriously hoping here) to become great friends with my coach , and to just be able to learn more about my body and the things that are going in it. Also to get better grades this semester and make sure i learn to say no to my friends when i have to.

please share your resolutions and the things you hope to see here and learn from the blog.

As i learn you shall learn too!

With <3 Yvonne Marie

Monday, December 27, 2010

hope you had a great christmas/ update on life

Hello everyone i know it may seem i have been neglecting everyone in a while but i have not just been busy with the jist of school and nonsence. This semester was bad so many bad and good things happened its seemed almost like i had no time for anything at all. i learned alot from this mistake i refuse to make this mistake again. and i hope everyone learns that school comes first. F your friends and loved ones because when they graduate your still there. And if your still there your family will soon become un-supportive. Here is my reaction to finals week i hope you enjoy my little rant. (You can basically see the lack of sleep in my eyes) just click on the link bellow to see the video (oh and subscribe to the channel :) )

My litle Rant on Finals!

Also i would love to say a late Happy holidays to everyone hope you all had a wonderful christmas . Mine was not the most how do i put it lightly "MERRiest of Christmases " . My Family was very very horrible this christmas i was completely peeved at them my mother basically starved me for three days i survived off or peta chips , naked juice & some fruit . So you know i was mad we Usually have three huge meals christmas eve dinner, christmas breakfast & christmas dinner. Christmas eve dinner was a frozen meal they basically locked me out of the kitchen and made fun of me the whole night for being vegan. They critisized me for my decision and told me i was not a true latina because i did not eat Meat! Then christmas morning my father new that if i did not eat more there would be hell to pay when mother dear went on vacation. so he made some vegan pancakes and went out and got some fresh fruit for me to juice in my new juicer. Christmas dinner on the other hand was yet another frozen dinner wonderful family i have dont I.

On a good note on the 26th my "not really family but we consider them family AUNT" has an after christmas ,Christmas party and can i just say Not real family is better than real family. They made vegan lasagna and vegie empanadas i had rice and beans garlic whole wheat bread and for dessert my god mother baught So Delicious ice cream.

{pics from the fam party}

I got a juicer for x - mas :)

So What i have learned is im going to start saving and looking for a real job as opposed to the school job that barley pays, and that everything i buy im going to freeze for a rainy or family gathering day. I would also like to ask if you have any recipes that you know the ingredients are in a regular kitchen or they are cheap please place them below and i will blog in your behalf on it but there are other vegans like me who need the help and might not have the time to go searching through every blog.

Thank you for reading, viewing, and supporting the blog.

check out my channel on youtube "theyvonne131321"

With <3 Yvonne- Marie

Sunday, December 12, 2010

alice in wonderland tutorial :D for my friends UN_BIRTHDAY

Hello bloggers so today i actually have a birthday party  to go to its my roommates birthday party and its ALICE IN WONDERLAND THEMED !!!! 
so do to the theme i have decided to  be Alice i have this ADORABLE dress that i wore for my brothers confirmation and its cute as hell.  So as i get ready for this party I'm going to do a sort of tutorial on the look. I'm sorry if its a rough tutorial its my first one EVER so please bare with me :). 

what do you need! : 
-straightening iron 
-bobby pins 
-hair spray 
-(optional) a heating cap or blow dryer again this is not needed this is just so that i can be sure the curls stay in my hair.  

so you take strand by strand and do the process you straighted the strand. 
then you take the strand any strand you straightened and twist it. 

after you twist make like a little bun (make it flat and circular like cinnamon bun. 
kind of like the ones you see on my head now 
then once  you have your nice little cinnamon bun   you pin it. 
one just doesn't seem to be enough for me so to really secure my cinnamon bun i put two on it one horizontally and the other vertically. 

repeat the process all over your head keep in mind the  smalled the group strand of hair you grab the tighter the curl which i like but if you want a more loose effect take bigger groups. 

Now your head should look like this:
if you notice i have kind of an off the side swipe one going on there its because i have a big forehead (lol ha I'm not shame full to admit it) and i just love how the side swipe makes my face look. 

Next i used a heating cap for my hair you can also use a blow dryer and just place it on ever curl individually. Or you can not use either of them i just do it because i feel like it makes the curls tighter. 
Please excuse my silly face my suite mate was making fun of me and Picasa took a picture while i was laughing. It kind of looks like I'm wearing a chef's hat. 
so for the first 5 minutes of my first fifteen minute cycle I place the heating cap on HIGH  after the five minutes i lower it to low so that it does not burn my head off ! 
You are going to have two cycles of the 15 minutes with the cap because the one is before the hair spray and one after. 
this is just me being silly now  this was during my second time in the fifteen minute cycle. 

So while i waited to take of the pin curls  i decided to do some make up

I used the E.L.F concealer / all over color stick on my face.
Put some under your eyes like so  ( i  put allot because i have been up studying all weekend )

Then place it in all the major areas of your face like below: 
then rub this in , make  sure you get every nook and cranny. Rub evenly 
it should look even like  this :
Now take a foundation brush i used my  E.L.F foundation brush for this but you can use  anything you prefer . 
The reason we use the brush  is to buffer it and leave a very nice finish just in case  we left finger prints when we rubbed it in. 

Now if it looks a little lighter than my skin tone it should this is because Alice is very porcelain doll so to give it the full effect i used my concealer instead of my regular foundation. 
 Now take some of that concealer again and put it all over your eye even up by the eye brow.Why do we need to do this? well this is so that the shadow lasts all night. When you put something that has a bit of moisturizer in it or is just think and sticky it holds  the shadow in allot longer. If you don't want  to put concealer on your eyelid you can use an eye primer or even a facial primer.
 Do the same to the other eye then rub it in and use your foundation brush to buffer it and you get this.
Now i used my new E.L.F pallet and another pallet but the second one has no name so if you have something similar use that. The E.L.F pallet i used for the base was "natural looks" 
So for my very first base i use the white you see there in the top corner.
Your going to put this all over the lid. and blend it up towards the brow bone. 
Then i took the color right below the white one this color is a baby shimmer blue. 
Place allot of this in the corners of your eyes then blend towards the middle.
Now the next pallet i had to search for i borrowed my friend Michelle's pallet i'm not sure if its by NYC or not but it had three shades of blue from lightest to darkest.
Ok so your going to put the lightest in the corner of your eye that is closest you your nose. also put  some as a lower liner on your watter line. then take the second blue and place it on the middle of your eye lid and blend it to the corners of your eyes. 
Then take the darker blue and place it on the crease of your eye and make a down ward V to the corner of your eye like so. now you take a blender brush and blend this. 
remember we are looking for a sort of innocent look . 
Then you take some eye liner , liquid or pencil it does not matter & place it on your lid and make a thin line above your lashes. 
Then take your mascara because your going to make those lashes POP!  now i used Loreal's Telescopic. I love this mascara i'm going to be so sad when it finishes because i don't think its' vegan and i refuse to buy something that isn't vegan. For some of you who might say well then why r you using this if your not sure its vegan here is your answer " because i spent allot of money on the make up i already have and i don't have the money to replace everything right away and because its not helping the animals if i throw out the product. Once I'm done with all the non-vegan products  or when i have money to replace everything i will get rid of everything. 
Put mascara on your eye lashes 
See the Pop!
Here is a close look at the eye

You are going to take out your cinnamon buns .I already started the process. 
Un-Twist the buns and take your fingers and separate DO NOT BRUSH OR COMB. it will ruin the curls.Now all you have to do is find a very Alice dress and put some lip color (very light pink) and there you go! (put some hair spray to make it last.)

Can you guess who every one was!!!

Hope you enjoyed my tutorial
Happy Sunday blogging
Yvonne -Marie