Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Nursing Filled week

So this week I started my clinical. I was excited nervous and angry. The angry part comes from the fact that I have to wake up super early. Today's post Is all about my week and the craziness I went through.
With clinical beginning I needed a good watch like the one above. I seriously love this thing I have worn it all week . It is comfy not snug at all and the clock is huge and I can see every little number and digit clearly. I was told having a good clinical watch is extremely important , i'm not sure how true that is but if any nursing students have a similar opinion on it please tell me why.
Karim told me on Wednesday that for my birthday he will be getting me an IPAD! I am a tech geek and always want the newest little toy on the block. I usually never spend my own money on the tech stuff I will just wait for a holiday or until the price is at something I can afford. The main reason he is getting this for me and why I am not stoping him from doing so is that it is a great thing to have when your a nursing student.
Here are some links on why others think as a nursing student It would be great to get an IPAD. 
7 reasons why you need a tablet as a nursing studentShould I Get an Ipad for nursing school
Personally my reason is to save time i usually write my notes then  type them that takes double the time to do both things. Time that could be better spent reading over my notes and learning. Plus it would keep me organized.
One of my biggest reasons for getting the IPAD is the APPS I am an index card whore and I also love when I can find things to quiz me here is a link to a discussion about the nursing apps  .

I really liked this Ipad cover for when I get it . Its cute and funny and to be honest I do think medicine and ability to heal others is a super power. If you like the cover and want it to here is where to get it LINK.

Friday  some drug reps came in the office and dropped off two of these cute office supply kits.The cutest thing about it is the tiny stapler I love when they make cute on the go things.
Saturday was a busy day. We had my aunts birthday party , she turned 70, me and karim had some shopping that had to get done. We took a trip to whole foods and trader joes and also to petsmart to get some can foods for reese. before we left to the party we were all so dog tiered (pun intended) we knocked out.
Today I died a little. I woke up at 5 am to get laundry ready, walk the dog, fit in a really short work out, shower, eat breakfast, then i spent about 5 hours at the library only to come home (as i'm writing this) study some more. Tomorrow is week 3 of nursing yes im counting down like a prisoner but for the most part it gets me through the days. Tomorrow should be busy since we have a workshop right after class but I am really excited for this week .
Hope you all had good weeks and hope you get a lot more sleep than I am currently getting (my poor dark circles).

xoxo YMV <3


Monday was KARIM'S BIRTHDAY !!!!! We have been together for 3 years and 7 months now. I love this man to death and he got all the love and attention he deserved. Karim told me what he wanted he really wanted a web cam so he could see me better on oovoo and so i could see him better so i got him that.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Motivation Monday!

I saw this on tumbr and thought it was a great reminder on how to help your abs out.

 My new go-to way for  flavored water all the natural flavors with out any processed sugars
I think this picture says it all sometimes we beat ourselves before we even really give our bodies a chance to prove itself. We need to get up and get out and moving so that we can prove just how much our bodies can take. As a heart patient I can honestly tell you that I probably have the most limitations a doctor can give a girl. but i still try to find ways to keep moving. Zumba, swiming, walking, pilates are a few ways i do this of course at a lower level so that i don't push my heart too far. There is no excuse for not trying to stay fit you just have to do it. Find the one thing you like to go and go for it. While your at it keep your diet clean and healthy. 

xoxo YMV


Sorry I'm late but once you get reading you will understand why.
OUCH! yes this would happen to me and this is actually the second infection I have caught this week. I think it is safe to say my immune system is pretty low right now. I also have my 1st clinical tomorrow so I am a bit nervous about what they are going to say about my pinky. The picture above was taken yesterday so today it is a bit bigger and there is a little white color developing so i think if i keep soaking it the puss should come out (sorry for the TMI)
so with studying to be done and a painful pinky i had to soak and study. BTW if you ever get an infected hangnail epsom salt and hot water soothe it slowly but surely. 
on a sepreate less painful note. I got my nursing shoes! We don't get to use them for another three weeks but i figure it is better to get them now than later. Our scrubs will have not been sent so once that comes in you will be to see pictures and such with them on .

The rest of this week was kind of up and down with a tooth ache and trying to go see doctors and getting my INR regulated  it has been the week of not feeling well sadly. 
But things move on and fun things happen allow the way
Today is Karims birthday!!!!!!!
He is turning 26 today so we are doing a little get together and having some fun.
Since I have to go and get ready for the festivities and bandage the pinky I leave you with a cute picture of reese sleeping as I blog. 
Happy Labor Day Weekend !!!!!! Drink safely
xo YMV