Sunday, January 3, 2010

Refreshing mask for these winter months

Hello everyone,
so recently some of you might know by my tweets that im trying to creat scrubs and stuff such as that that will help my stressful face (im an easily stressed person) this means im prone to pimples. Now the scrub i made seems to be working some what but i belive i made it to strong for people with sensitive skin since my brother can't seem to use it he says it feels like tis burning his face. This might have to do with the peppermint essential oil i put in but im not quite sure.
Any way i found this recipe and actually tried it last night now i used reg yogurt because that was all that was in the house. I say this before some people begin to critisize my vegan-ness. i have not been to wholefoods at all yet (i know im starving my self pretty much ) so forgive me for not having coconut or soy yogurt on hand. however the mask worked well it realy did feel refreshing so here you go .

What you'll need:

2 large cucumbers (chopped)
1/4 cup fresh mint leaves (chopped very finely)
2 tbsp. plain unflavored yogurt
1tbsp. lemon juice

What to do:

1. Peel the cucumbers and pulse them in a food processor or blender until they become a smooth consistency. Strain the pureed cucumber through a paper towel to remove all excess water.

2. Mix the cucumber, mint, yogurt and lemon juice in the food processor and pulse until fully combined.

3. Store your mint mask in a jar and keep refrigerated until you're ready to use it. Before you do, microwave it for 1 minute (or heat on stovetop until lukewarm).

4. Apply to cleansed skin (works best after a hot shower) and leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and you'll have fresh, supple skin!

if you want to learn more check out Self Magazine for their fun facts and beauty answers.
Hope you enjoyed this little miniture face mask recipe.
with love  Yvonne -Marie

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